Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Love Note

This blog doesn't have much to do with sewing, but you all know how much I LOVE colors and textures.  Fall and spring are my favorite times of year for these reasons!  God's creation just screams of his beauty and creativity.  This morning my family decided to go on a wonderful nature trail a short drive from our home.  I packed us a lunch and some extra wind breakers, we loaded up the kids and off we went.  The trail was BEAUTIFUL!  The sun warming us between the tree's, the water sparkling as it danced.  I felt my spiritual tank being filled as we drank up the scene.  It was just beautiful.

As we walked along, my son enjoys picking up rocks and leaves as we go and I began to think it would be fun to collect some of these fabulous fall leaves and press them.  I could let him help me decorate with them for thanksgiving.  So as we walk along I spot the most perfect red maple leaf I have ever seen laying on the ground before me.  "WOW!  That one is a keeper!" I thought to myself.  An amazing fire red, no spots or tears, and it still felt soft like it had just fallen from the tree.  (An important note to this story is that my son was holding all of our finds in his dump truck that he was pushing.)

We continued on adding new shapes and colors to our collection as we went.  About a half mile later we come up on a bridge and stop to feed the turtles (that we couldn't find, but it was still fun to throw the bread into the water).  Next thing I know, my son grabs a leaf from our collection and throws one over the bridge and squeals with laughter as he watches it slowly float to the lake below.  My heart sinks!  My red maple leaf, it's my red maple leaf!  I look over the edge, my heart broken, and then grab the rest of the leaves before they meet the same fate.  I'm still sad as I recall this to you!  WHY!?!?  It's just a leaf?!?!

It may be just a leaf to many, but the Lord knows my heart.  He knows what what I love, what catches my eye.  He knows how to make me feel beautiful and special.  I feel like God gave me a love note on our walk.  It wasn't until after it was gone that I realized it.  We searched and searched for another one, but alas, none were as amazing as my love note now gently dancing on the lake below.  Wow God!  It was made just for me :)

Spiritually, I have my good days and bad days like so many people in this world.  I don't write this flaunting about a special love note to me, but wondering what love note have you received lately?  It will be unique.  Just for you.  And nothing else can compare.  

If you feel like you can share, please tell us about your love note you received recently. I hope this helps fill your spiritual tank too!


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